Belt & Roller Conveyor
AMC’s Belt Conveyor and Roller Conveyor models are all top-of-the-line and custom built for every order. Belt Conveyors can come in any size and with a variety of belts including: Black PVC, White Food Grade PVC, Ruff Top, Polyurethane, High Temperature, Check-Out Style, Cleated, and more. Roller Conveyors have their own large variety of sizing options and configurations such as: Chain Driven Live Roller, Gravity Fed Roller, Belt Driven Live Roller, Slip-Tube Accumulating CDLR, Line Shaft, Motorized Driven Roller (MDR), and Skate Wheel Roller, among others. Our Belt & Roller Conveyors are used in virtually every style of industry and are made to each customers individual specifications to create the most efficient system for the job.